I'm bored
I'm also extremely unhip, and a bit sleepy. I gotta blog blog blog, if I am to keep up to date with the prevailing culture which has tipped decisively in favor of the 99% connected GenY kids who have made doddering GenXers like me irrelevant. I still do not have an iPod, an iPhone, or a Facebook account, and my Myspace account has been languishing all but unused forever. I'm not depressed really--a lot of that stuff seems like overhyped hooey anyway--but I do feel a bit...I dunno the word...insubstantial? Like a ghost? No, more like a neutrino, passing through the earth without making the slightest impact or effect on anything. Others will leave their footprint on the mass consciousness thanks to their hip techno-savviness, their insatiable need to be seen, and their media-bred talent for being seen; I doubt I ever will.
Damn, and I took both Pexeva and Budeprion this morning. WTF??