Reflections In A Flubber Room

What you perceive is what it is.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well, that was easy!

My new blog, wispirs and scribbles, is live. A little threadbare as yet, but it's there. Click on my profile to see it, get the URL, etc.

Really need to do something creative...

Gotta force myself to start doing design again.

Gotta start seriously doing art--painting, especially. I want to paint. Drawing all the time is boring.

Gotta get my hands on a decent digital SLR...and some film for my 35's...and a scanner...basically, photo shit. Gotta get back into photography.

Gotta get my PC working again so I can start recording and get the whole music mojo working again.

That's the whole thing for me--creating stuff. I don't care what, but I gotta gotta gotta.

I think I may create a new blog devoted exclusively to my thoughts on arts and creative shit, ie no bellyaching about money or politics, no attention-seeking references to offing myself. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I haven't been writing a-tawl lately, have I?

Too busy, too lethargic...who knows?

Here are some things I've decided I want:

1) A bike. Especially something like a cruiser. Nice, simple, and unpretentious, even if it is very retro and arguably hipsterish. Even one from Wal-Wart (sic) is better than having none. They have a couple of Schwinn models, a couple of Huffys, a couple of NEXTs...I sat on a green NEXT Avalon 7-speed at our local store, and liked it. $112.

2) A digital SLR. I had to give up the one I bought last summer to raise rent. Next one I get, I'm keeping it. Either Nikon or Pentax. What's more, I want to use it. A lot. I am a quite good photographer, you know.

3) A modular analog synth. Yes, that's way expensive, but that can be my pricey hobby-toy, my equivalent of a...

4) Convertible two-seater sports car, like an MGB (classic) or a Miata (modern). A Lotus Elise looks nice too, but ain't no chance of my ever getting one of those. A used MGB, otoh...maybe $4000? Whatever it is, it must have a stickshift. But I digress...

3 cont'd.) Can't decide between a system or a Doepfer one. Doepfer's got more interesting modules (including a bunch of neat filters, like a copy of a VCS3 diode filter), but the modules are very small and you need their proprietary rack mounting frame/power supply. The Dotcom form factor is big--identical to the classic Moog modular, in fact--and may be too big for our apartment, but I like the idea of big, twistable knobs and lots of control panel space. Plus, their Moog-style filter sounds heavenly (according to others, Doepfer's fake Moog filter sucks, but I've never heard it in action myself). Well, I can take my time to decide; it's not like I can afford either of these monsters right now anyway.

I'm bored. I must wash dishes.