Reflections In A Flubber Room

What you perceive is what it is.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I hate Mondays, especially cruddy ones

Yeah, baby. Today was an interesting day. Well, two good things came out of it, at least.

1) I patched things up completely and amicably with the lady at work I had my blowout with on Friday. But there are other issues at play of which I'd rather not speak here, except to say that I'm considerably wiser now than I was yesterday.

2) I've resolved that I am definitely, positively going to resign. Soon, not just yet, but no question about it and no turning back. I can't work in a poisonous environment like that, and I've got other things to do with my life.

Stay tuned.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Okay, so I kinda bent Rule #1. You can't rap my knuckles through a dialup connection. So nyah nyah.

hiya hiya

Okay kids, it's official. Starting with this post, this is my new day to day blog. The Moogyblog is hereby mothballed until further notice.

I don't have many rules, in general, but I have two for this one that I will try to follow rigorously:

1) No ranting about current events or politics, although I will go on the record and state that I am a staunch liberal-progressive and that I oppose the Republican Party, George W. Bush, the Iraq War and any of its sequels, the Religious Right (including hawkish televangelists, obnoxious right-to-lifers, creationists, etc.), hawkish Democrats, big business, political correctness*, identity/single issue politics, rich hipsters, yuppies, reality shows, surly teenage female singer-songwriters with major label record deals, Toby Keith, and Steve "Designers Who Can't Afford To Buy Into The Apple Cult Don't Deserve Decent Design" Jobs**. Okay, that's out of the way.

2) I will write regularly, concisely, and relevantly. These are, after all, changing times that I'm heading into.

* Although I'm a leftie and thus supposed to support PC, I still believe in free speech and equality. PC is hypocritical. After all, we don't refer to, say, GWB as a "differently opinionated, perception-challenged person of extraordinary compensation" do we? No. On a good day we call him a sociopathic moron fratboy. If we're not willing to call our adversaries the same nice nonjudgemental names we insist on being called ourselves, we should be willing to take the same vitriol we dish out. On both cheeks, so to speak. Golden Rule.

** Yes, I used to be an Apple evangelist. Not saying that I'm a Micro$oft partisan now, but I will point out that in the last five years the various Windows machines I've used have crashed about 5-10% as much as the POS Macs I used for the five previous years. And M$ is headed by a self-made multi-billionaire who happens to be a nerdy guy with big ideas named Bill. I'm just saying.